I am not Comort Woman
Story of victims of Japanese military sexual slavery in Asia
Justice and Peace,
We listen Attentively to the Voice of Victims.
What Kind of Life
do Victims in other Countries Live?
During the WWII, when Japan evoked the wars everywhere in the Asia-Pacific coasts, many women were abused for sexual slavery and violence by Japanese military.
From 1996, I took my journey in Korea, China, the Philippines, Indonesia and East-Timor and met 140 survivors who were still present.
Comfort Station Built by Japanese Military.
The Japanese military built comfort station for the reasons such as prevention of rape, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and morale elevation of soldiers.
It was built not only in all areas invaded by Japanese military, but also in places where labor forces were gathered for the production of war materials such as coal pits and factories in Japan.

Comfort Station Built by Japanese military

The Japanese military built comfort station for the reasons such as prevention of rape, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and morale elevation of soldiers. It was built not only in all areas invaded by Japanese military, but also in places where labor forces were gathered for the production of war materials such as coal pits and factories in Japan.
JUJU Project
supports exhibition, education, historical records and victims
We deliver the voices of comfort women to international communities including Japan and prepare a place for communication to share their deep .....